Payment Schedule

The payments arrangement must be made, in the amount agreed on and specify in the Enrollment agreement, usually with the first payment to be made on or before the first day school and subsequent payments are to be made 30 days of each month thereafter, until the balance is fully paid. The balance is due within one month of termination of the monthly payment schedule. Unpaid account will be sent to the collection. Monies received for eligible students from federal financial aid programs will first be applied to this payment plan. Student must also understand any other monies received on their behalf is applied first to tuition costs. Any remaining funds available for the student will be paid to the student only at which time the course costs have been paid in full. The student agrees to pay all the sums herein required by Paul Mitchell The School - Pasadena.

The school complies with California Private Postsecondary Education Act of 2009, 94899.5 (b) and does not require more than one term or four months of tuition in advance, until 50% of the program has been offered and the school is due full payment.